Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Alarm Event Type and Definition

Dibawah ini merupakan definisi dari Alarm Event type yang tampil pada alarm object di InTouch.

Alarm Event Type

ALM Alarm has occurred.
ACK Alarm was acknowledged.
RTN Tag returned to a normal state.
EVT An alarm event occurred.
SPC An SPC alarm for the tag occurred.
HIHI A Hi-Hi alarm limit was reached.
HI A Hi alarm limit was reached.
LO A Low alarm limit was reached.
LOLO A Low-Low alarm limit was reached.
SDEV A Minor Deviation alarm condition was set.
LDEV A Major Deviation alarm condition was set.
ROC A Rate Of Change alarm occurred.
DISC A Discrete Event occurred.
OPR The operator modified the tag value
using the Value Input.
LGC A script modified the tag value.
For example: X=25.
DDE The tag value was poked from a DDE client.
SYS A system event occurred.
USER $Operator changed.

Alarm event di bawah ini tampil ketika setting RTN does not imply an acknowledge (ACK) diaktifkan.

ACK_RTN An acknowledged alarm returned to normal
UNACK_RTN An unacknowledged alarm returned to normal
ACK_ALM The alarm was acknowledged by the operator
UNACK_ALM An alarm occurred.