Jika kita sudah menginstall license InTouch, pasang hardware key, tapi ternyata license masih belum dikenali, bisa jadi hardware key rusak.
Tapi sebelumnya, kita mesti cek dulu juga, apakah tanggal PC sudah di set ke waktu yang tepat. Seringkali sehabis install ulang Windows, kita lupa set tanggal.
Cek logger dibawah, yang di BOLD adalah error yang menunjukkan kalau kita belum set tanggal Windows.
1400 4/15/2005 12:54:54 AM 3068 3080 Info INTSPT WWLicRequest InTouch Feature start date is in the future (-31,34)
1401 4/15/2005 12:54:54 AM 3068 3080 Info INTSPT An error occurred reading the Feature Line 'InTouch' in the License File 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\ArchestrA\License\wwsuite.lic' (Return Code: -31)
1402 4/15/2005 12:54:54 AM 3068 3080 Info INTSPT WWLicRequest InTouchOEM No such feature exists (-5,116)
1403 4/15/2005 12:54:54 AM 3068 3080 Info INTSPT The License File 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\ArchestrA\License\wwsuite.lic' was located, but the Feature Line 'InTouchOEM' could not be found inside of it.
1404 4/15/2005 12:54:54 AM 3068 3080 Info INTSPT WWLicRequest InTouch Feature start date is in the future (-31,34)